
I hope that you enjoy my website. If this is the 50th time that I've sent it to you, please be patient with me. It's possible that only one thing is different in this version and it's only visible using the inspect tool in your browswer. Every little thing is new to me and exciting. If I didn't send this to you, just to show you something dumb and small, then you can learn something about me from this paragraph as well. This is how I am. I get excited about little things that most would consider trivial.

Currently Reading

The Mist

Stephen King

When the authors name is bigger on the cover than the title, it probably doesn't matter what the premise is. It's going to be pretty good.

President McKinley

Robert W. Merry

It's a pretty good biography and a surprisingly interesting president.

Agent to the Stars

John Scalzi

His first novel and it already has all the signs of his work.

Currently Watching

Rising Impact


Someone said, "I bet you could make anything exciting if you made it in an anime style"

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I never realized that it takes a little bit for Danny Diveto to come in.

The Big Bang Theory


I always forget I have Peacock and then I remember it and watch 4 hours of Big Bang Theory

Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been learning to code?

I have spent way too many years starting and stopping. 10 years and this site is the best things I've ever made. Eat your heart out.

How do you stay movtivated when learning new things?

I guess the short answer is that I don't really. I just come back to the same things over and over again until the cumulative adds up to some amount of knowledge. Just keep going.

Can I learn to code as well as you?

You're probably better than me already.

Are your friends and family tired of being shown a website with very slight changes?

Almost definitely. They are usually nice enough to say, "neat." Then we move on and talk about literally anything else.